Famous for Battersea Power Station and Liverpool's Anglican Cathedral,
Giles Gilbert Scott followed architectural cues in his submission
to the GPO's competition to design a telephone kiosk.
Sir Alec Issigonis's revolutionary car became an icon of the 60s
In the world of publishing, cover designs have rarely been so immediately iconic
as Allen Lane's Penguin classics series,
designed by Edward Young, perfected by Jan Tschichold
and featuring Eric Gill's immortal Gill Sans typeface
The K2 was an instant design classic
Increasingly rare in the 21st century, London Transport's Routemaster bus
still symbolises London across the world...
I don't know about you,
but I adore the old mini and double decker buses,
and, unlike most people
I know, I'm not at all keen on the newer versions of either...
*The Design Classics series was issued yesterday
and will be on sale for a year.
By the way,
thanks a million for all your help on my last post
- I'm not quite as dumb as I might appear.
Asking for your help, was my way of solliciting more info. plus your
opinions on the subject
- kinda a little "tongue in cheek" (typically British..?),
I guess...
9 commentaires:
These are fantastic! Each and everyone is beautiful-all classic designs. Thanks for showing these.
i love mini's. I hope to get one soon, but am in no hurry to get a car since I don't really use one to often.
I had fun with the last post, you didn't come off as dumb.... you just pointed out that we have different meanings and words. which sometime is quite funny.
I actually think you are quite brilliant and am excited to read you insightful blog daily!
I love the new series of Royal stamps. There was a piece in The Guardian on Tuesday suggesting alternative designs. Nigella Lawson anyone?
Lovely post.
Greetings from London.
The stamps are fabulous!
And I didn't for one minute think you were dumb for the questions from the last post. It was a fun diversion.
How fun- I love these stamps! I got some adorable stamps around Christmas time with little nutcrackers on them. They made me smile even when I was mailing off bills!
my favorites are the car and the bus! I love stamps - I had some of my patients create their own stamps for a charity project for World AIDS Day a couple years ago. Great collectors items. Your collection is quite cute and quaint.
the stamps really are quite cool!
i hope i can make it to london to purchase a few before they are no longer available...
bon weekend to you!
Ils sont cools ces timbres ... on n'en a pas d'aussi sympas en France.
Je me pose beaucoup de questions sur toi, es tu française vivant en Angleterre?
En tout cas, merci de ta venue dans mon univers!
Bon W.E!
que c'est beau!
Meilleurs voeux!
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