dimanche 5 avril 2009


It has been brought to my attention that I've been blogging for
just over a year
(see my first ever post here)
- doesn't time fly, I can hardly believe it..!
In some ways it seems like I have been blogging for years and
in others I feel like I am still a newbie...
In celebration of this monumentous occasion (ha ha!)
here are
a few random blog tidbits about me:
° Here, There, Elsewhere...
was not my first choice for a blog title...
° I’m an independent minded thinker who marches to the beat
of her own drummer, even though my blog
may not necessarily reflect this...
° I am not quite sure what I gave up
to make time for this as I still do so much off-line…
° I have received many, many nice, intelligent and
thoughtful comments.
° I have many regular readers who never leave comments but
send me mails instead..

° Since starting this blog I have been introduced to an entire new vocabulary;
twitter, stumble, digg, memes...I could go on and on...
° I really, really, really appreciate my readers, and particularly,
my commenters;
I know I no longer respond to every comment
but I do read every one.
° I have learned so much from this experience...and
I know I wouldn’t blog if it wasn’t fun, so
thanks for keeping it enjoyable..!

.Plus, a giveway,
and all you have to do is guess
where I've been for the last few days...

Clues to help you:

° I took the above photos (all except 4th down which is from flickr)
of one of the many shops I visited
whilst there...
° Doris Day immortalized the city, not only in film
but also in song...
° I love the city with passion and visit often...
I'm sure you've all already guessed the answer, so, just leave me
a word - I'll select one correct response at random and
let you know who's the lucky winner
of the gift I bought at MERCI..!

13 commentaires:

Callie Grayson a dit…


A Passage To India a dit…

Happy Blogaversary!
The answer is, of course, Paris ^_^

auroraines a dit…

Hola, siguiendo la pista y guiándome por los otros comentarios también arriesgo porque fuiste a París. :)
Un beso

Shashi Nayagam a dit…

Congratulations on your blogaversary! Thankyou for sharing your thoughts and pictures and all the interesting topics that you write about. I really enjoy your blog a lot. Thank you for sharing pictures of Paris as it is my favourite city to. I wish I could visit it as often as you though.

posekyere a dit…

I really admire your beautiful posts.
You really are a beautiful spirit of a Human Being!
Bless You.

littlebyrd a dit…

Congrats and Happy Blogaversary! You lucky duck - Paris! I am jealous.

mimi charmante a dit…

J'adore Paris aussi!
Merci pour me visitez a mon blog!
Have a fabulous week,

Beatrice a dit…

Vi tu primer post: hermoso como todo lo que vino después.
Feliz blogaversario
Un abrazo

A Cuban In London a dit…

Congrats! One year! Wow! I look forward to reading you for the next 99 years ;-)

Greetings from London.

Millie a dit…

So happy to hear that you are enjoying blogging so much! And how lucky are you spending time io wonderful Paris.
Millie ^_^

High Desert Diva a dit…

Paris, mais oui!

Congrats on your blogversary! Had to laugh at the new vocabulary....so true!

I see you have Karen's quote above. Her entire post (from last Feb., I think) was so well written.

Renee a dit…

By chance does the city have an eiffel tower in it?

Renee xoxoxo

Bonbon Oiseau a dit…

awww..that's easy! Paris...so nice to hear your thoughts and congrats on you bloggerversary!